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Don't forget to visit websites of our partners for even more content!

Free Training Courses: Green Building professional

Do you want to learn how to embed green housing to your energy poverty initiatives? SMARTER Finance for Families offers free online courses to NGO workers and governmental representatives to support their work with low-income beneficiaries. Municipal officers and regional representatives are highly encouraged to attend. MORE


Green Housing in Bosnia and Herzegovina 

Read about sustainable materials, indoor air quality or green procurement and more in the Balkan context. Explore great materials by Green Building Council. MORE

Stacked Wooden Logs

Knowledge Management System

Broaden your horizons with over 1600 pieces of documents, e-learnings and interactive tools from all around the world including Balkans - all of them focused on energy efficiency. our partner Copenhagen Centre for Energy Efficiency increases its collection of sources every day. MORE

Studying Online

Balkan Green Energy News - our go to source of fresh green energy news

Civil society organization Center for Promotion of Sustainable Development runs this amazing  straight to the point news web. Balkan Green Energy News is a leading bilingual and free-of-charge online platform covering sustainable energy, climate action, environmental protection and urban mobility developments in the Balkan region. MORE

Mobile Phone
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