Downloading CR Copy in Oman: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) mapping of these iron oxide and filament clusters shows an elemental composition dominated by iron and carbon (Fig. 3A EDS inset). Notably, the elevated carbon concentrations are inversely correlated with the presence of calcium, indicating that the carbon signal is not due to the surrounding CaCO3 aragonite vein matrix (Fig. 3A). Attempted Raman measurements of filament and iron oxide clusters resulted in intense fluorescence. However, Nanoscale Secondary-Ion Mass Spectroscopy (NanoSIMS) chemical maps corroborated the presence of C and additionally showed the presence of nitrogen, measured as the 12C14N ion, and phosphorus (Fig. 3B). The NanoSIMS mapping area includes visible Type A filaments and shows that they are associated with carbon and nitrogen (Fig. 3B, blue arrow).
J.L.Z. conceptualized the project, selected samples during Oman DP Phase 2 shipboard activity, and conducted microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, SEM/EDS, and NanoSIMS. A.N. and M.I. assisted in conceptualizing the project, assisted during instrumental analyses, and provided extensive interpretation of data. M.B. assisted with NanoSIMS analyses and interpretation. R.G. provided VSWIR data and interpretations on mineral phase identification and distribution. A.S.T. provided field geochemical data of the active Samail Ophiolite as well as interpretations on biogenicity and the habitability of the selected samples. A.D.C. and T.E. provided Raman spectral data and interpretations on biogenicity. P.K. provided interpretations on vein formation, geologic context, and age data.
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The study was funded by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry and by the Ministry of Tourism of the Sultanate of Oman, and supported by Salim al Maskery (Oman Geological Consultant). We are also grateful to Robert Illek, Ernst Fischer, Heinz Kollmann, Goran Batic, Hisham Momen, Peter Elster, Fritz Koller and Heinz Holzmann for support in practical field work. We thank Sandra Kirchner, Barbara Däubl, Simone Latkolik and Michael Mülleder for valuable technical assistance, Josef Harl for making the photographs and Walter Salzburger for providing several primers at an early stage of the study. Anton Weissenbacher, Harald Ahnelt and Florian Wicker confirmed the taxonomic assignment of the fish. Ernst Mikschi provided samples from the NHM collection. For discussions and comments on the manuscript we are grateful to Wilhelm Pinsker and Werner Mayer. This study was conducted in the course of the project "Speleoman" concerning the geology, biology, conservation and tourist management of the Al Hoota Cave. Robert Seemann, who was the scientific leader of the project "Speleoman", passed away unexpectedly on December 20th, 2010. We owe him so much for his warmth, his comprehensive and persevering input to the entire project and particularly for his positive involvement in this study.
Many species of owls (Strigidae) represent cryptic species and their taxonomic study is in flux. In recent years, two new species of owls of the genus Strix have been described from the Middle East by different research teams. It has been suggested that one of these species, S. omanensis, is not a valid species but taxonomic comparisons have been hampered by the lack of voucher specimens of S. omanensis, and the poor state of the holotype of S. butleri.
A cytochrome b sequence of S. omanensis was found to be identical to that of the holotype of S. butleri, indicating that the name S. omanensis is best regarded as a junior synonym of S. butleri. The identity of the S. butleri captured in Mashhad, Iran, was confirmed using DNA sequence data. This represents a major (1300 km) range extension of this species.
The owl was identified as S. omanensis (sensu Robb et al. 2013) by the presence of several acoustic and morphological character states which were previously identified as diagnostic for this species (Robb et al. 2013). (1) Shortly before capture, the bird gave the diagnostic four-note compound hoot, with the last two notes given in quick succession. In the hand, it showed (2) orange-yellow eyes, (3) bicoloured facial disc with dark grey-brown above and beside the eye and pale grey from just above the eye downwards, (4) very dark, greyish brown upperparts, (5) ginger-buff to white underparts with long streaks (longitudinal black lines) but only weak transverse bars, and (6) a broad dark trailing edge to the underwing.
We obtained 790 base pairs (bp) of cytochrome b of S. omanensis and 767 bp from the owl caught at Mashhad, Iran. We found no evidence of numts. Electropherograms showed no double signal; the alignment showed no stop codons, insertions or deletions; and most (65/78; 83 %) nucleotide substitutions relative to the longest S. hadorami sequence available on GenBank (EU348994) were found in the third codon and resulted in only three amino acid substitutions.
The sequence of S. omanensis was identical to the short (218 bp) sequence available from the holotype of S. butleri (Genbank accession number KM459027). The sequences of S. omanensis and the Iranian owl were almost identical, differing in only two nucleotides (0.26 %), both at third positions. Across 790 shared bp, the sequence of S. omanensis differed from that of S. hadorami (EU348994) by 78 substitutions, corresponding to an uncorrected sequence divergence of 9.9 %.
Phylogenies based on ML and BI produced identical phylogenies in which both S. omanensis and the owl caught at Mashhad, Iran clustered with the holotype of S. butleri (Fig. 3). This was strongly supported in both ML (98 %) and Bayesian analyses (1.0 PP). In these analyses, S. hadorami and S. butleri formed reciprocally monophyletic groups. Relationships with S. woodfordii were unresolved, most likely due to the small number of nucleotide sites analysed.
Maximum likelihood phylogeny of Strix owls based on 218 bp of cytochrome b, showing the position of Strix omanensis Robb, van den Berg and Constantine, 2013 sampled at its type locality and the owl sampled in Mashhad, Iran in January 2015. Maximum Likelihood bootstrap support values (>80 %) and Bayesian Posterior Probabilities (>0.95) are given above and below branches, respectively
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